Feb 13 2021
The entire defense of Trump’s impeachment team is: “We’re the victims here!”
How? By stating, over and over, that the entire impeachment is about trying to destroy a political opponent.
This would be funny if it weren’t so shamefully pathetic, but I assume van der Weeden has no shame. Well, he’s a lawyer, but so is Jamie Raskin, and Raskin is decent and logical, calm and organized.
But The Weener variously ranted, hit the podium, engaged in countless snarky comments, stooped to ad hominin arguments—all things I’d fail a student for doing. But apparently The Weener gets to be Trump’s defender by doing such things.
Actually, we know why Trump hired The Weener: he denies, slanders, treats himself and Trump as victims, never admits logic, nor the obvious—and bottom line: he is never wrong.
To listen to him, the entire undertaking is a fraud, a sham, is underhanded, mere vengeance, and so on. He called it a crusade against Trump, and impeachment lust.
So, following the first psychological principle, whatever you say about another person is true of yourself. That means The Weener is full of impeachment lust. I’m not sure what that is, but it sounds kinky as hell. He must be hell on wheels in the courtroom, just absolutely full of righteous indignation and stinking of hypocrisy. I’m sure in private he’s laughing about how successful he is—just like his pal Loser Trump.
I sat on a jury at one point, and I have to say: had any of the lawyers acted like The Weener, I would have (silently) laughed the guy out of court.
Meantime, the Senate just voted to acquit—or rather I should say that forty-three seditious senators, too cowardly to vote their consciences (do they have any?) voted to acquit Trump—who will now be back in four years to run for office.
Have a nice four years until the next election cycle.…as the Proud Mommas’ Boys say: the storm is coming. Who let it out? Those senators voting to acquit. When the serious fighting begins in four years, it’s important to remember where this all started.