The Supreme Moronic Court

. . . and, I should add, stupid and cruel. I mean, really, who are these morons? Oh, the rich, privileged, morals-free groveling slaves-to-power who lied their way onto the Court.  I’m not allowed to use the r word for them, so I have to resort to something less biting, I’m afraid. “Moron”: the word means “an adult with the mental capacity of an eight- to twelve-year-old. But if you look up the word, you’ll find the r word is listed as a synonym.

Well; that’s an insult to every eight- to twelve-year-old who knows global warming is real, and what genuine care for children feels like.

The passionate arguments for keeping women’s rights can be found here (Abby Zimet on and here (Joann Wypijewski on, the former with some actual stories of actual girls—not women—suffering from not being able to have control over their own bodies.

But reality is not something the Scoundrel (“destitute of moral scruple”) Court members have to contend with; that’s for the rest of us, scratching out a living on the actual earth with, you know, actual problems, like paying the bills while dodging global warming’s extreme storms. So much for big-brained humans. Did you see the unclimbable fence recently erected around the Supreme building? Hmm, what could that signify? Democracy (“rule by the people”), you think?

Wypijewski lays out the connection between slavery and the anti-life pro-takeaway women’s-rights position. It’s Black women who are at the center of the Thomas-Alito ideology. Read it.

While you’re at CounterPunch, read St. Clair’s column about the same issue. He’s always a reliable historian and excellent journalist, reminding us that about 70% of the people in the US are in favor of legalized abortion in some form. And how the spineless Dems have not only allowed this state we’re now in to happen but helped the abortion ban along. Thanks for not retiring, RBG; so much for heroes.

I’m wondering when our rulers will wake up to the fact that there is a huge bear of massive protest and boycott that they have been tormenting into ultimately rising up.  Things will get worse, but eventually the system will break. It always happens the same way. But being aware of history might require the mental capacity of an adult.