Sept. 1, 2021: Freedom! That’s the most important thing, right? Without personal freedom, we have nothing; we are reduced to automatons, mechanically obeying the dictates of our overlords, doing their bidding by making ourselves willing slaves to technology.
I’m a little exercised by this issue because I used to be like you—mindlessly obeying things like traffic lights. Like you, I thought, “Hey, it’s for the good of all of us,” and so when a stoplight was red, I stopped and waited. It never occurred to me that I was sleepwalking, being one of the sheeple, until several things happened to wake me up:
My personal revolution started innocuously enough. A week ago I was out very early, at 4 am, driving somewhere—it’s not important where. No traffic was on the street, yet when I came to a red light at an intersection, I dutifully stopped and waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually it occurred to me that it was pointless to sit there on a deserted street at a red light when there was no reason to stop. I’m all for stopping to let others go—when it’s their turn. No one was harmed when I drove through the light.
The second event was more dramatic. Once again, I stopped at a red stoplight. No one was coming the other way. I had no reason to look in the rear view mirror, and that’s when I got hit—from behind. Fortunately, the person was only texting and barely had his foot on the accelerator, so while my car was totaled, I was OK (as was he).
That was my wake-up call, and I’m here to advocate for a basic and fundamental freedom: the right we all have to stop at a stoplight—or not. When stopping at a light actually can endanger us, that’s when it’s time to speak out, and do something. And while it’s true that in our growing movement there have been a few pileups here and there at various intersections, resulting in some deaths, we all know that exercising our freedom of choice is what’s driving our actions. Those who have died in these car accidents have died bravely, insisting their deaths are the result of their being free. No one among us dares argue with that.
I’m now exercising my God-given American freedom to Stop—or Not. Although global warming, the collapse of our economy, COVID, and other issues are important, I believe that none of these will matter if we are not free.
I found out, and I hope you will too, that our freedoms begin at the nearest stoplight. Join me in our Stop—or Not campaign to elect sane representatives to government. Please send your generous tax-deductible donations to the address above.